Below is a list of X1 Search Files related columns. To access column selection, right-click on any one of the columns in the Files source, and select 'Choose Columns'.
Icon – Displays the file type icon
Name – Displays file name
Date Created – Search by the Date you created the document
Path – Type in the file path to limit your search to a particular directory or folder name
Type – Type the file name in to limit your search to only a certain document type (i.e.-Adobe will limit results to only PDF documents)
Size – Find your File based on its size
Date Modified – Last date you edited the document
Indexing Status - The result of X1 Pro's indexing of your files. If for any reason X1 Pro was unable to extract the full content of the file, you will see that here.
Tags - For Rapid Discovery customers only. Displays tags assigned to each document or file.
Below is a screen shot of the Files Column Chooser screen. You can Add, Remove, or re-order columns using the arrow buttons, or by dragging and dropping the column names.