You can carry search terms from one search to the next by holding Shift or Ctrl when clicking on your next search.
Below is an example of how (and why!) to carry search terms between X1 Search sources.
To search your Gmail for an email received on your birthday from your friend Bob, you type ‘Birthday’ in the General Search Field, ‘Bob’ in the From Column, and select ‘Last Month’ from the Date Received column.
Returning no results, you realize Bob emailed birthday wishes to your Outlook account. So, by holding Shift or Ctrl as you click over to your Outlook source, X1 Search populates the Outlook source General Search Field with ‘Birthday’, the From column with ‘Bob’, and the Date column with ‘Last Month’.
Now, as we mentioned, there are two limitations to the Carry search terms option.
First, X1 will only carry over a search term, if that field exists in the new Content Source.
For instance, if you type ‘Bob’ into the General Search Field from your Outlook source, then hold Shift or Ctrl as you click over to your SharePoint source, X1 carries ‘Bob’ over to SharePoint.
However, if you type ‘Bob’ into the Outlook source ‘From’ field, X1 will not carry over ‘Bob’ because there is no ‘From’ field in your SharePoint source.
Second, X1 will not carry over a search term to another source if that source already has content.
For instance, if you type ‘Paul’ into your Outlook source ‘From’ field, then hold Shift or Ctrl as you click over to your AOL source, X1 carries ‘Paul’ into the AOL Source ‘From’ field. However, if your AOL ‘From’ field already had another name filled in, X1 will not overwrite that term. We wouldn’t want you to forget that you had a search up, and unintentionally erase it by carrying terms over.