How do I change my index location?

By default, X1 Search places index files in the X1 Data Directory in the following locations depending on your Operating System:

Please note: Currently we support storing the X1 Search index on the local drive.  

Windows 7 and Vista: C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\X1Search

If you want to change the location of your Index File, please do the following:


        1. Select Menu>Options



    2. Select the 'Index' tab and then 'Change Location':




3. With the folder structure, select a new location to store your X1 Search index, or click ‘Make New Folder’ to indicate a new location.

     Use this dialog box to navigate to the new folder location for your X1 Search program and click the [OK] button.



If you want to create a new folder for the program, first navigate to the Parent Folder for the new folder you want to create; then select the [Make New  Folder] button and create a new name for the folder when prompted by Windows. 


5. Once you select a new location for your X1 Search Directory, click ‘Ok’, displaying a popup window:


     6.  Choose [OK] to commit these changes and re-start X1 Search. Click [Cancel] to abort the changes.

Please note: As with any application, you should avoid storing the X1 Search Directory on your desktop.


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