Search FAQs
- ★ "Unable to connect to X1 Service. All attempts to start and connect to X1Servicehost failed"
- ★ Overview of X1 Search
- Resolutions and Scales Supported for X1 Search
- Troubleshooting a Failed Installation
- X1 Search Outlook PSA Buttons Nonfunctional
- Carbonite, CrashPlan, and other Backup Solutions
- What is X1 Search Premium Support?
- Are there keyboard shortcuts in X1 Search?
- Is X1 Search compatible with Windows 10?
- Is X1 Search available on the Mac?
- How do I deactivate my Search license so I can move it to another machine?
- Lotus Notes, Thunderbird & Eudora
- I'm seeing error message 9201-There was a problem activating your license
- I'm having problems activating or downloading X1 Search
- Does X1 Search support use on Windows XP, Windows 7, or Windows 8?
- How do I "clean uninstall" and reinstall X1 Search?
- Can I upgrade from the Professional Client to X1 Search 8?
- Announcing Search 8.0.1